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A New Kind of Power: Using Human-Centered Leadership to Drive Innovation, Equity and Belonging in Government Institutions

Book by Dara Barlin, et. al. 

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New Teacher Mentoring: Hopes and Promise for Improving Teacher Effectiveness

Book by Dara Barlin, et. al. 

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Principles of High Quality Mentoring 

Article authored by Dara Barlin et. al. in Harvard Education Letter’s Spotlight Series on strategic priorities for school improvement (2010).

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Trust is Missing from School Improvement Efforts

One of the recent conversations in K-12 education has focused on creating environments of trust for students. Classrooms that are founded on trusting relationships enable students to take risks and make mistakes.


What Is Continuous Improvement? And what is all the hype about?

The term ‘Continuous Improvement’ is emerging as the next big thing in the education reform landscape. Normally I roll my eyes when people talk about the next big thing, because there always seems to be a new next big thing.


One Thing at a Time: How to Transform Professional Development for Teachers

I have a memory of being a kid while my mother and father were getting ready to throw a party. During the preparations, my dad began shooting off a series of questions, “Should we get deli or Chinese food?

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Better Mentoring, Better Teachers

For more than a decade, clear and consistent research has shown that the quality of teachers is the most powerful school-related determinant of student success. Capitalizing on this now-large body of evidence, many education leaders have begun to invest in new-teacher mentoring. It’s a smart bet.


What Matters in Mentoring

A study by Dara Barlin and Kelly Ruggles (2014) exploring the most successful conditions for teacher mentoring in NYC schools.


DARE Consulting specializes in helping communities build the infrastructure for ongoing, positive change. We focus on building the capacity of the leaders in your community to master three critical skills: building a culture of trust; using data to make smart decisions; and communicating in ways that inspire people to action.



Copyright 2021 Dara Barlin

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